Jewish Teachers’ Summits

Here is the latest on our Summit.

I am also personally available to give presentations on dating, dieting, and my Kabbalah program, “8 Forms of Love in the Tree of Life.” Classes are meant for groups, religious organizations, workshop locations, and more, for $125/ hour. Contact to discuss these unique and innovative insights and experiences.


  • How the abundance of food conflicts with limits we must set. Abundance is on the right pillar of the Tree of Life, and Boundaries on the left. What are the challenges of setting boundaries when we must eat to live? How can we maintain dieting over the years if we have an eating disorder? How do we evolve into people who are less focused on food and more focused on life?


  • The Tree of Life offers an amazing step-by-step journey through the process of dating, including the exact time that a commitment can be made. Join me in the journey to learn how to date better and more successfully.


  • If you are frustrated in relationships, you can use the 8-step path to improve them. Guess how many steps involve the “Other?” Just one! Let’s learn about ourselves in bold new  ways. Expect direct and open experiences in this program.